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Polaris Watercraft/UTV/ATV/Snow (complete tool)

Polaris Watercraft/UTV/ATV/Snow (complete tool)

  • $449.00

Works on

2004 - 2017 ATV 2005 - 2017 UTV 2002 - 2017 Snow Sled Fitch & MSX Watercraft Includes

CANDooPro Diagnotic Box Adapter Cables for UTV, ATV, Watercraft, and SnowSled USB Cable Software Download Software Updates

Automatic Software and Flash Updates License

Unlimited Number of Vehicles Annual Maintenance

First Year Maintenance Included Minimum System Requirements

2 Ghz or Faster Processor 2 GB Ram 800x600 Resolution USB ver2.0 .NET 3.5 SP1

Windows XP, Vista Windows 7, Windows 8 (Windows RT is not supported),Windows 10

Internet Connection (for updates and installation)