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RIVA Sea-Doo 260 2011-15 Speed Control Override Module

  • $214.95
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This SCOM effectively removes the speed limiter on both US and International models.

The RIVA Speed Control Override Module removes the restrictive GPS speed control function on Sea-Doo iControl models delivering significant increases in top speed with stock ECU. Easy to install module allows system to start in "Sport Mode" for maximum performance. "Touring Mode" can be manually selected after start up.

Key Features:

Removes GPS controlled speed limiter.
Increases top speed utilizing stock ECU.
Works on all 2011~15 260hp models.
U.S. models will gain 3mph with SRZ-CD-15/20R pump impeller.
Allows further top speed gains through aftermarket modifications.
Allows system to start in "Sport Mode".
All original dash functions are retained.
Easy plug-in installation.

NOTE: Stock ECU limits peak RPM for first 5 hours of operation. Top speed increases should be measured after 5 hour break in period.